IELTS Task 1 - Line Chart: India's gold sales in 2020

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The given graph shows India's gold sales in 2020.

Write a report for a university lecturer making comparisons where relevant and report the main features.

The given graph shows India's gold sales in 2020
The line graph depicts the sales of gold in India for 12 months for the year 2020. The data is reported in millions of Rupees.

From an overall perspective, it is crystal clear that the primary season for sales was in the January to May period. Sales were consistently above the 200 mark for seven out of twelve months. As gold is a precious commodity, with the onset of the pandemic, sales rose sharply to a peak of 350 in March. However, sales declined steadily in the next four months, reaching an annual low of 120 million Rupees in July.

August saw a doubling of sales, which quickly returned to July's level by the next month. From September, sales recovered, from 120 to 180. Since October, sales have remained consistent around the 200 mark.

Overall, the main sales period was in the early year, slumping in the summer, except for a sudden increase in August.

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